Good Design Matters
Architects offer a high level of professional service and expertise which no other building professional can provide. Working as collaborative partners with owners, planners and City officials, good design improves quality of life, it creates places that define our communities and provides long term sustainable design solutions for everyday problems.

Planning & Pre-Design
This is the information and gathering stage. It is the process leading to a statement of an architectural problem and the requirements needed in formulating a solution. It involves data collection, analysis and organization, based on human, physical and external factors displayed in an outline of Project /Design goals, Space programming, Planning/Design criteria, Building performance criteria, Site requirements, Feasibility Studies, Budget and Schedule.

Schematic & Conceptual Design
This is visioning stage where goals and information are translated into a physical form. The general scope, conceptual design, and scale/relationships among components of the project. The objective is to, one, have a clearly defined, feasible concept that the client can understand and accept and second, to clarify the program, explore design solutions and provide a basis for analyzing the project cost.

Design Development
This is the phase where building systems are evaluated based on budget, efficiency and life cycle cost. The left-side of the brain takes over and the design concept is refined. The design team works out a clear, coordinated description of all aspects of the design to develop site design, structural framing, mechanical and plumbing and electrical engineering systems are developed beyond concepts.

Construction Documents
“Do you draw blueprints?” This phase is most relatable to architects.are the written and graphic documentation prepared and assembled by the architect for communicating the design and administering the project. It describes what is to be built, how contractors are to be selected and how the contracts for construction will be written and administered.

Construction Administration
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Planning & Pre-Design
Schematic & Conceptual Design
Design Development
Construction Documents
Construction Administration
The architect’s role does not end with technical drawings. Prior to construction phase, we help facilitate bidding or negotiations between the owner and contractor. Following that process, we are a significant part of the construction process. Acting on behalf of the owner, we represent your interests on the job site. We interpret the documents, track the progress of construction and reconcile payments to contractors.